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  • Dec 31, 2024

Triton XI-XII Sports Week 2081

Triton Annual Sports Week 2081 for Grade XI-XII (Science, Management & Law) from 2nd to 10th Magh, 2081

Opening Ceremony: Wed, 2nd Magh | Closing Ceremony: Thur, 10th Magh

Registration deadline: Thur, 25th Poush, 2081

Registration link:

1. Triton Marathon (Boys & Girls): 2nd Magh

  • Area: Triton College – Balkumari Pool – Koteshwor Chowk – Tinkune Chowk – Triton School- Madhevasthan Temple- Triton College (sign at each station)
  • Dress code: T-shirt (College shall provide t-shirt for the participants)
  • Reporting time at college: 7:00AM  | Marathon starts: 7:30AM onwards

2. Basketball (Boys & Girls): 3rd Magh

  • Time: 10:00 AM  |  Dress code: Own Jersey  |  Venue: College premises

3. Cricket / Football (Boys): 6 - 9 Magh

  • Students can participate in only one game, cricket or football.
  • Time: 9:00 AM  |  Venue: Church ground, Nepal Sports Fellowship, Lalitpur

4. Kabaddi (Boys) / Volleyball (Boys & Girls): 6 - 9 Magh

  • Boys students can participate in only one game, kabaddi or volleyball.
  • Time: 9:00 AM  |  Venue: Church ground, Nepal Sports Fellowship, Lalitpur

NB: All the interested participants/teams must fill up the Google form at Triton App before or by Thursday, 25th Poush, 2081.

1. Teams/Tie-Sheets are formed and finalized on Wednesday, 2nd Magh, 2081 (at 10:00 AM at college premises) by Triton Sports Management Team. 
2. Any undisciplined behavior results into the team’s disqualification. There won’t be participation without the Google form being filled up.

Thank you.
Triton SS & College & Triton Sports Club

Point of Contact:

  • Subas Darsan: 9801969504
  • Kaman Singh RC: 9801152264
  • Bikram Bhattrai: 9801147221
  • Dev Karki: 9801146973
  • Nirmal Shrestha: 9841409152