नाटक "बालबालिकामा लगानी सुनिश्चित भविष्यको थालनी"
Sep 15, 2024
This is to inform all the students that Triton International SS & College is going to organize Triton Intra-College Cricksal & Futsal Smash [Grade XI & XII] on Friday, 2nd Manshir, 2079.
Registration link: https://forms.gle/mEN33Fs3erMHThwLA
In order to participate, kindly submit your Team names and details by clicking the registration link: online before or by Monday, 28th Kartik, 2079. For any kinds of inquiry, kindly call at 9801147220 or email at event@triton.edu.np.
P.S. Participants should arrange their materials needed by themselves.
Thank You.
ECA Department
Triton International SS & College